Higgins, Dick
Book (14 work / s)
Code FX0319 1/2 Video / Performance
The Thousand Symphonies (1968)
1. The Thousand Symphonies Project, July 12th 1967
Printed sheet, 45 x 20 cm. Signed
2. Documentation
a. Video, November 1968
Length: 18'50"
VHS videotape
Event creating the scores for "The Thousand Symphonies"
at the South Brunswick Police Rifle Range, filmed by Alison Knowles.
Participants: D. Higgins, P. Corner, G. Hendricks,
M. Knížák and others
b. Photos, November 1968
Four B/W photos, 18 x 24 cm.
c. Photos, 1991
Six colored photos by Anastasia Shartin
15 x 10 cm. each
d. The Thousand Symphonies.
A Master List of the Pieces, Dec. 15th 1995
Fourteen pages booklet edited by the artist
28 x 22 cm. each
See also Unique, No. 0309; Audio, No. FXM0726;
Artist's book No. 0497E and Catalogue No. FXC1712
"...As for the symphony, the idea behind the "Thousand Symphonies" cycle was an important one in the late 1960s, where the police were being used to punish hippies by framing them for possession of marijuana and such-like. I thought there should be a more constructive use for the police. So why not put the police to work composing symphonies?..." (D.H.)
Exh.: 2019, London (#1).
Copyright © Higgins, Dick, All rights reserved