
Giorno, John

Artist's book (4 work / s)

Code PVM0366   Audio

Life is a killer


Published by Son@rt editions, 1999, No. PVC1035
Audio CD

Audio program notes:

- Just say no to the family's values
  Length: 03'37"
- Andy Warhol's movie Sleep, extract
  Length: 03'24"
- Andy Warhol's movie Sleep, other extract
  Length: 01'57"
- I met Jack Kerouac in 1958 for one glorious moment
  Length: 10'38"
- Last time I saw Jack Kerouac in June 1968, ten years later
  Length: 01'45"
- Absoluteness
  length: 01'54"
- The death of William Burroughs, extract
  Llength: 10'17"
- Demons and details
  Length: 03'16"
- Completely drunk and stoned
  Length: 02'13"
- Jane Bowles
  Length: 09'36"
- High risk
  Length: 02'10"
- Berlin and Chernobyl
  Length: 01'37"
Audio also included in No. PVCM3243 and No. PVCM0002
- Life is a killer, No. PVM0370
  Length: 03'58"

Public lecture recorded in Paris, April 22, 1999

Just say no...

Andy Warhol's movie...

Andy Warhol's movie...

I met Jack Kerouac...

Last time I saw Jack...


The death of...

Demons and details

Completely drunk...

Jane Bowles

High risk

Berlin and Tchernobyl

Life is a killer
