
Christo & Jeanne-Claude / Gerz, Jochen / Vautier, Ben

Book (57 work / s)


Code FXC0242   Book Collective / Edition Collective

On ne regarde pas la lune, mais le doigt qui montre la lune


Published by Ateliers de Réalisations graphiques, Paris et Fréteval
Edited by Warwara de la Vaissière
Cardboard lined box, 24 x 32 x 7,5 cm.  
with original lead fusion by Jocelyn de Noblet
- an original multiple by Ben Vautier, No. 0276E
- a screenprint by Piotr Kowalski
- an original multiple by Sarkis
- a serigraph by Caesar
- a lithograph by Velickovic
- an original multiple by Arman
- double screenprint by Jean-Michel Sanejouand
- an original drawing-collage by Touzenis
- an object (syringe) by Michel Journiac
- a not binded book of about 220 sheets with interventions by:
Aeppli, Arakawa, Arman, Ben Vautier, Bertholin, Boltanski, Cadere,
Cane, Cesar, Christo, Devade, Downsbrough, Fabro, Forest, Fox, Gafgen,
Gerz, Holt, Huebler, Hutchinson, Journiac, Kowalski, Le Gac, Long,
Mattiaci, Moucha, Kawara, Oppenheim, Pne, Raynaud, Saint-Phalle, Noblet,
Sanelouand, Sarkis, Smerck, Spoerri, Tinguely, Carmel, Tomek, Touzenis, Tuttle
Velickovic, Venet, Viallat, Weiner.

Copy numbered 39

carboard box

book cover

book open
