Beuys, Joseph
Book (27 work / s)
Code FXM5671 Video / Book
Aktionen 1963-1986
Published by ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
Edited by Peter Weibel
in collaboration with Joseph Beuys Estate
Cardboard box (25 x 17.5 x 7 cm.) containing:
- Catalogue, pp. 550
- 8 DVDs
- Index of the audiovisual media at ZKM, pp. 24
ISBN 9783753302591
Video program note:
DVD 1:
- 01 "Kukei, Akopee --- Nein! Brown Cross--- Fat Corners --- Model Fat Corners"
#1 Length: 7'28''
#2 Length: 25'00''
Action by J. Beuys for the Festival of New Art on 20 July 1964
in the main lecture hall of RWTH Aachen University
See also Documentation "Festival der Neuen Kunst, Aachen" No. FXC1029
and Video "Atlantis - 3 Aktionen - 1964-1965" No. FXCM0315
- 02 "and in us ... under us ... landunder"
Length: 02'00''
Action in the context of the happening 24 Hours in collaboration
with the Gallerie Parnass, Wuppertal,
on June 5, 1965, at the Villa Rolf Jährling, Wuppertal
- 03 "How to Explain Pictures to Dead Hare"
Length: 05'54''
Action by J. Beuys at the opening of the exhibition ... irgend ein Strang ...[any old noose],
Galerie Schmela, Düsseldorf, Nov 26, 1965
- 04 "Eurasian Staff fluxorum organum"
Length: 82'00''
Action by J. Beuys and H. Christiansen at the Wide White Space Gallery,
Antwerp, Feb. 9, 1968
- 05 "Vacuum <---> Mass"
Length: 12'37''
Action by J. Beuys in the Galerie art intermedia of Helmut Rywelski, Cologne
Oct. 14, 1968
- 06 "Hand Action"
Length: 11'28''
Action by J. Beuys simultaneosly with the action The Toble by A. Herzfeld;
with J. Duckwitz, J. Stuttge, and U. Meister in the artists' pub
Creamcheese designed by G. Uecker, L. Mommartz, D. Silvestrin,
F. Kriwet, H. Mack and G. Ritcher, Dec. 5, 1968
DVD 2:
- 07 "The Anonymous Spectator"
Length: 13'47''
Action by J. Beuys in an apartment in Düsseldorf, Feb. 8, 1969
- 08 "I am trying to set (make) you free"
Length: 13'15''
Action by J. Beuys and H. Christiansen at the Academy of Arts,
Berlin, Feb. 27, 1989
- 09 "Titus Andronicus / Iphigenie"
Length: 14'45''
Action by J. Beuys in the tat-Theather am Turm, Frankfurt am Main,
May 29, 1969
- 10 "Trans-Siberian Railway Conversation on the Beach Too Long"
Length: 19'02''
Action by J. Beuys for the camera, without an audience, in the context
of the exhibition Tabernakel, Jan. 24-Feb. 22, 1970, Louisiana Museum
of Contemporary Art, Humlebaeck
- 11 "Rannoch Moor"
Length: 31'15''
Action by J. Beuys on Rannoch Moor, Aug. 13, 1970,
during his second visit to Scotland
- 12 "Felt TV"
Length: 06'26''
Action by J. Beuys on Oct. 1, 1970, in the private apartment
of the collectors Jost and Barbara
Herbig in Cologne, without an audience
DVD 3:
- 13 "Isolation Unit/Action the dead mouse"
Length: 12'26''
Action by J. Beuys and T. Fox on Nov. 24, 1970 in the cellar
of the Düsseldorf Art Academy.
Only an audio recording of the action has been preserved.
It represents the last 12 minutes of the event
- 14 "Aquarius"
Length: 02'16''
Action by J. Beuys with students on Feb. 10, 1971,
at the Düsseldorf Art Academy
- 15 "Celtic"
#1 Length: 25'17''
#2 Length: 40'37''
Action by J. Beuys and H. Christiansen
on Apr. 5, 1971 in Basel
DVD 4:
- 16 "Sweeping Up"
Length: 26'07''
Action by J. Beuys on May 1, 1972 in Berlin
- 17 "Vitex Agnus Castus"
Length: 13'59''
Action by J. Beuys at the opening of the exhibition Arena.
Dove sarei arrivato se fossi stato intelligente! on June 15, 1970
in the Modern Art Agency, Lucio Amelio, Naples
- 18 "Office of the Organization for Direct Democracy through Referendum"
Length: 06'30''
Action by J. Beuys on the occasion of documenta 7, Kassel
- 19 "Dillinger: He was the gangster's gangster"
Length: 03'00
Action by J. Beuys on Jan. 14, 1974 in Chicago
- 20 "I like America and America likes me
Length: 02'23''
Action by J. Beuys from May 23-25, 1974 at René Block
Gallery, New York
- 21 "Three pots in the poorhouse"
Length: 08'21''
Action by J. Beuys on June 5, 1974, in a former poorhouse
in Edinburgh
DVD 5:
- 22 "In Memoriam George Maciunas (1931-1978)
Length: 72'15''
Action by J. Beuys and N.J. Paik in the context of
Fluxus Soirée of the Galerie René Block, Düsseldorf Art Academy
July 7, 1978
- 23 "Monolog"
Length: 17'27''
Action by J. Beuys on Jan. 21, 1981 at Atelier am Kassemberg
Mülheim an der Ruhr
DVD 6:
- 24 "Diagramma Terremoto"
Length: 16'31''
Action by J. Beuys on Apr. 17, 1981 at the Modern Art Agency, Naples
- 25 "7000 Oaks City Forestation Instead of city Administration
Length: 09'26''
Action by J. Beuys at the documenta 7, Kassel
- 26 "Melting Down the Czar's Crown"
#1 Length: 15'34''
#2 Length: 06'06''
Action by J. Beuys at the documenta 7, Kassel
- 27 "The Orwell Leg-- Trousers for the 21st Century"
Length: 01'59''
Action by J. Beuys with Jessyka Beuys in the context of the international
TV and satellite experiment Good Morning, Mr. Orwell by N. June Paik
DVD 7:
- 28 "COYOTE III. Concert"
Length: 61'25''
Action by J. Beuys and concert of N.J. Paik on June 2, 1984 at the Sogetsu Hall,
Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo
- 29 "Global Art Fusion"
Length: 01'54''
Fax action in the name of peace, with J. Beuys, A. Warhol, K. Higashiyama, and
U. Fuchser on Jan, 12, 1985 in Düsseldorf, New York, Tokyo and Vienna
DVD 8 - Bonus track:
- 30 "Interview Joseph Beuys"
Length: 22'29''
Karl Oskar Blase interviews J. Beuys during the documenta 5, Kassel
- 31 "Public Dialogue"
Length: 15'47''
Public discussion with J. Beuys on Jan. 11, 1974 at the New York School
for Social Research, New York
- 32 "Interview 7000 Oaks"
Length: 45'30''
T. Altenberg interviews J. Beuys during documenta 7, Kassel
Copyright © Beuys, Joseph, All rights reserved