
Vostell, Wolf

Unique (3 work / s)

Code FX0995 1/6   Artist's book

Dé-Coll/age Happenings


Published by Something Else Press, New York
Wooden box with plexiglass slipcover, 23 x 16 x 6.5 cm.

1. Booklet
    Verbal and notational documentation for
    Vostell's most important happenings conceived
    between 1954 and 1966, as well as factual accounts
    of their realization (all translated by Laura P. Williams),
    pp. 99, 20.5 x 13.5 cm.
    Included in "Book Chronology" No. FXC0749

2. Photo portrait
    Serigraphy, 21 x 14 cm.

3. Bromo Seltzer packet
    Mounted on a strip of mylar, 21 x 14 cm.

4. Piece of unleavened bread (Matzoh)

5. Happening Score  
    Photo-serigraphy on white cardboard, 21 x 14 cm.
    Signed by the artist and numbered 219/500

6. Performances Notations 1959/66
    Fifteen folded posters
    B/W offset on white paper, 55.5 x 42 cm. Each:

    a. Television dé-coll/age for millions 1959,
    Notation #2 march 1966
    Happened in Köln 1959 and
    in New Brunswick 1963 (excerpts)

    b. Cityrama 1961,
    Notation #2 march 1966
    Happened in Köln 1961

    c. Nein-9-de-coll/agen 1961,
    Notation #2 march 1966
    Happened in Wuppertal 1963

    d. You 1964,
    Notation #3 march 1966
    Happened in Great Neck, NY 1964

    e. Nie wieder-never-jamais 1964,
    Notation #2 april 1966
    Happened in Aachen 1964

    f. In ulm um ulm um ulm herum 1964,
   - 1. Notation a/b #2 march 1966 happened in Ulm
   - 2. Notation c #2 march 1966 happened in Ulm
   - 3. Notation d/e #2 april 1966 happened in Ulm

    g. Phenomena 1965,
    Notation #2 march 1966
    Happened in Berlin 1965

    h. If you ask me 1965,
    Notation #3 april 1966
    Happened in Hamburg 1965

    i. Dogs and chinese not allowed 1966,
  - 1. Main notation #1 april 1966, happened in Wantagh, NY
  - 2. Pre-happening notation #2 april 1966, happened in NY
  - 3. Pre-happening notation #3 april 1966, happened in NY
  - 4. Post-happening notation #1 may 1966, happened in NY

    l. A 3 country happening 1966
    Notation #1 april 1966
    Happened in Berlin, New York and Buenos Aires, 1966

Bibl.: "Wolf Vostell Impresiones. La Colección de obra gráfica del Archivio Happening Vostell", exhibition catalogue, Malpartida 2008, p.100 ; "An annotated bibliography by P. Frank", catalogue, 1983.

box closed

box open

Happening score

Television dé-coll/age for millions




Never again

In ulm um ulm... Notation a/b

In ulm um ulm... Notation c

In ulm um ulm... Notation d/e


If you ask me

Dogs and... Main Notation

Dogs and... Pre-happening notation

Dogs and... Pre-happening notation

Dogs and... Post-happening notation

A 3 country happening
