Ono, Yoko
Catalogue (29 work / s)
Code FXM0345 1/3 Performance
Promise piece
In the performance Promise Piece the performer broke a vase
on the stage and asked people to pick up the pieces and
take them home, promising that they would all meet again
in ten years time with the pieces and
put the vase together again
Excerpt from the performance realised in:
1. Galerie 1900 - 2000, "Happening and Fluxus", 1989
at École National des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Video cassette, VHS
Excerpt from "Some Fluxus", 1991, No. FXCM0389
2. Ex Caserma Zucchi, Reggio Emilia, 1989
Performer: Ch. Moorman
Excerpt from "Six performances", 1989, No. FXCM0220
3. Arsenale theatre, Venice, 2009
Three colour photos by F. Garghetti No. FXC0017
Signed by the photographer, 24 x 30.5 cm.
Included two fragments of the broken pot
Receiving the golden lion award for lifetime achievement
Included in Ring Binder "Yoko Ono. Performances"
4. Bob Rauschenberg Gallery at Edison State Collage
Ft. Mayers, Florida, 2014
Two fragments of broken plot
Documentation No. FX0987
Included in Ring Binder "Yoko Ono. Performances"
Copyright © Ono, Yoko, All rights reserved