Higgins, Dick
Book (14 work / s)
Code FX0189 Unique
Portfolio dedicated to Luigi.
Title handwritten by the artist with a felt-tip pen.
Ring binder, 35 x 33 x 5.5 cm.
Containing: flyers, editions, mimeo books,
acting scripts, small multiples, small pamphlets, booklets with
notes by the artist for an exhibition in 1995.
- A Game of 52 Soaphorse Operas, 1967, No. FX0583
-"Animal, Vegetable or Synthetic", 1961, No. 1263E
- Cat Alley (A Long Short Novel, 1976 , No. FX0587
- Emmet Williams's Ear, 1977, No. 0538E 1/4
- Employement Questionnaire, 1963, No. FX0578
- Ode to London, 1967, No. 0676E
- Printing Songs, 1968, No. FX0581
- Saint Joan at Beaurevoir, 1960, No. FX0477
- The Fnowflakes of Giordano Bruno, 1977, No. 1266E
- Stacked Deck, 1958, No. FX0388
-"Structure (for Cary and Linda)", 1970, No. 1264E
- Suggested by Small Swallows, 1973, No. 0094E
-"Tamerlane's Darugar and T...", 1976, No. FX0586
- The Tart, 1965, No. FX0579
- Three Things, 1965, No. FX0580
- To Analyze the Process, 1973, No. FX0585
- Two Motives for Celebrating..., 1976, No. 1265E
- Two Things, 1966, No. FX0582
Copyright © Higgins, Dick, All rights reserved