
Corner, Philip

Audio (79 work / s)


Code FXM0479   Audio

3 Pieces for Gamelan Ensemble


Published by Alga Marghen, Milan, 1999
Produced by E. Carcano
Audio CD

Audio program notes:

a.  "Gamelan", Feb. 1981, No. FXM0150-6
      Length: 24'31"
     Played by members of Son of Lion, on the instruments
     of the Javanese gamelan "Kyai Muntjar", Wesleyan University,
     Middletown, Connecticut

b.  "The Barcelona Cathedral, 1st", 1978, No. FXM0544-b
     Played by members of Son of Lion, instruments
     constructed by B. Benary. New York City

c.  "Belum", Febr. 29, 1992
     Length: 33'24"
     Performed at Philip Corner's "Farewell to New York" concert,
     experimental intermedia foundation, New York

Signed on inner cover's part
