
Audio (124 work / s)


Code FXC8139   Document Collective

VICE-Versand Editions


Founded and directed by Wolfgang Feelisch
Remscheid, 1966
Editions present in the Luigi Bonotto Collection

- Timm Ulrichs, "Spiel-dose", 1966 No. 2268E
- Ben Vautier, "Fil horizontal et un fil vertical / Horizontal and Vertical Line (1962)", 1967 No. 0514E
- Wolf Vostell, "Breads", 1968 No. 0550E
- Dieter Roth, "Taschenzimmer", 1968 No. 0033E
- Robert Filliou, "Optimistic Boxes", 1968-1981 No. 0564E
- Dick Higgins, "This is not an Art Work by me" No. 0183E
- George Brecht, "Sonnensalz", 1969 No. 0468E
- George Brecht, "The bottle bottle - Opener (1966)", 1980 No. 0470E
- Robert Filliou, "Without object / Sans objet", 1984 No. 1217E

See also Catalogues No. FXC8140
