
Audio (124 work / s)


Code 0038S   Document Collective

"Galerie und Edition A. Hundertmark". Publications


Catalogues, periodicals, editions, artist's books,
announcements, audio and correspondence
from the Luigi Bonotto Collection

- "Beu Geste Press representing..." Berlin, 1970
   Black offset on white paper, 15.4 x 35 cm
- "Edities Van Armin Hundertmark", 1973
   Folded printed paper, 105 x 10,5 cm (open)
   contained in Ring binder, vol. I, No. FXC0830
- "Edition Hundertmark", Berlin, 1976
   Unnumbered pages, 14.5 x 10.5 cm
- "Edition Hundertmark", Berlin, 1978
   Unnumbered pages, 14.5 x 10.3 cm.
-  Published by Goethe Institute London, 1981
   pp. 64, 20.8 x 14.5 cm
- "100. Karton, 1984/1986", 1986
   Unnumbered pages, 24 x 10 cm
- "Editionen 1970-1986", 1986
   pp. 32, 29.5 x 20.5 cm
- "G. Maciunas und Fluxus Editionen", 1992, No. FXC1039
- Joe Jones, "Music Book", 1994, No. FX7891
-"25 Jahre Edition Hundertmark 1970-1995"
   Catalogue with description of all publications
   Cover designed by Gerhard Rühm
- "La gente de Gran Canaria", 2006
   Photos by A. Hundertmark
   Signed with dedication to Luigi

Periodicals, "Ausgabe", 1976-1984
    Seven reviews containing essays and drawings of Fluxus,
    Wiener Aktionisme and Concrete Poetry
    21 x 15 cm each:
- "No. 1", May 1976, pp. 127
   E. Andersen, H. Flynt, L. Gosewitz, D. Higgins, J. Jones,
   L. Novak, D. Roth, K. B. Schuffelen, T. Schmit and others
- "No. 2", September 1976, pp. 144
   E. Andersen, G. Brecht, C. Claus, P. Corner, H. Flynt,
   L. Gosewitz, D. Higgins, A. Knowles, A. Koepcke, B. Porter,
   P. Sharits, J. Valoch and others
- "No. 3", October 1978, pp. 124
   E. Andersen, P. Corner, J. Gerz,L. Gosewitz, Al Hansen,
   D. Higgins, J. Jones, G. Rühm, P. Sharits,
   J. Valoch and others
- "No. 4", May 1979, pp. 122
   L. Gosewitz, J. Jones, L. Novak, G. Rühm and others
- "No. 5", November 1980, p. 118
   J. Gerz, M. Knížák, G. Rühm, T. Saito,
   K. B. Schuffen and others
- "No. 6", September 1982, pp. 128
   G. Brecht, H. Flynt, Al Hansen, J. Jones, M. Knížák, G. Rühm,
   T. Saito and others
- "No. 7", October 1983, pp. 160
   G. Brecht, H. Chopin, H. Flynt, L. Gosewitz, Al Hansen,
   J. Jones, M. Knížák, L. Novak, T. Saito, E. Williams and others
Edition Boxes
-  No. 1. 1970, No. 0419E
-  No. 8. E. Andersen, "182550 - 182949" 1st, August 1971, No. 0494E
-  No. 36. L. Gosewitz, "Erinnerungen Objekte 1968/69", 1974, No. 0720E
-  No. 47. R. Filliou, "a more curious invention of the gaga yogi", 1976, No. 1765E
-  No. 55. G. Brecht, "Fluxkit Null (Fluxnullkit)", 1978, No. 0052S
-  No. 87. P. Corner, "The piece of reality for today", 1983, No. 0725E
-  No. 100. R. Filliou, "Eins, Un, One", 1984, No. 1159E
-  No. 100. M. Knížák, "Untiled", 1986, No. 0755E
-  No. 116.  A. Hansen, "Andy Warhol Attentat Sound Performance", No. FXM0072-1b
-  No. 132. B. af Klintberg, "Orange No.3", 1992, No. 0839E
-  No. 135. M. Shiomi, "Shadow event No. X", 1993, No. 1225E 1/2
-  No. 136. A. Hutchins, "Magnetic Attraction", 1993, No. 0088E
-  No. 143. G. Chiari, "Silence-Dark", 1995, No. 0154 1/2
-  No. 144. T. Schmit, "über das gewinnen von blumentöpfen", 1995, No. 0388E
-  No. 152. G. Rühm, "Zugegen", 1997, No. 4223E
-  No. 154. M. Shiomi, "An Incidental Story on the day of the solar eclipse 1/2/3", 1998, No. FX0594
-  No. 157. P. Corner, "ser'e·al muzik", 1998, No. FXM0026
-  No. 163. B. Patterson, "Swan lake", 2001, No. FXM0256 1/3
-  No. 165. P. Corner, "Piece of reality", 2009, No. 0654E
- No. 168. P. Corner, "Pear in the form of a Piece", 2021, No. 0978E

- G. Maciunas, "Dear Armin...", 1975, No. 0174E
- T. Saito, "1 - unendlich Welten", 1982, No. 0495E
- T. Schmit, "el & ba", 1986, No. 1231E
- L. Gosewitz,"Erinnerungen Zeichnungen", 1973, No. 0820E

Booklets, "Künstlerhefte", 1976-1999
     First ten are included into a cardboard box of a special
     numbered edition and signed by several artists
- No. 1. E. Tot, "TOTal questions by TÓT"
- No. 2. J. Valoch, "12 exercises"
- No. 3. G. Maciunas. "Fluxpaper events", First edition, No. FX1428-2
- No. 4. Bernh Joh Blume, "Einige halluzinative Schraffuren"
- No. 5. C. Bohmler, "Erdkunde"
- No. 6. P. Pick, "Physiognomie von Krankheiten"
- No. 7. R. Bonvie, "Die Jagd ist eröffnet"
- No. 8. A. Hansen, "Performance/Live art notes", No. FX0894
- No. 9. H. Chopin, "Typewriterpoems", No. PV0564
- No. 10. J. Jones, "Five Bells", No. FX1430
- No. 11. T. Saito, "Blaues Regenbogen-W..", No. FX1431
- No. 12. D. Kirves, "Veränderungen für Alle"
- No. 13. G. Brecht /S. Wewerka, "Letters and Jazz", No. FXC0822
- No. 14. B. Heidsieck, "poesie sonore et caves
               romaines/suivi de/poeme partion d4p", No. PV0573
- No. 15. M. Bartholomé, "geheime licht"
- No. 16. P. Corner, "Piece of realities for some days", No. FX1432
- No. 17. G. Brus, "Eisblut, blauer Frost"
- No. 18. G. Rühm, "wandrers (geheimnis)", No. PV0577-1
- No. 19. A. Rainer, "Zoologische Studien"
- No. 20. E. Williams, "Schutzengel aktiv-passiv...", No. FX0927
- No. 21. L. Novak, "Alchimagen", No. PV0578
- No. 22. J. Beuys, "Joseph Beuys", No. FX0402
- No. 23. T. Kapielski, "Frische Hemden"
- No. 24. J. Voss, "meerwärts steuern"
- No. 25. M. Knížák, "Aktual. Arbeiten 1963-1989", No. FX1677
- No. 26. A. Rainer, "Frauen"
- No. 27. J. J. Lebel, "30 corps memorables"
- No. 28. G. Rühm, "20 Arbeiten - 20 Jahre", No. PV0577-2
- No. 29. H. Gappmayr, "sequenz ZEIT", No. PV0617
- No. 30. M. Shiomi, "Shadow events No. Y", No. 1225E-b
- No. 31. R. Filliou, "There was a drawing...", No. FX0571
- No. 32. G. Chiari, "Treatise on music", No. FX1104
- No. 33. J. Jones, "Music book", No. FX0909
- No. 34. C. Böhmler, "Bild-Partituren"
- No. 35. F. Schwegler, "Mahnungen und lust"
- No. 36. R. Page, "Junior Fluxus happenings & events"
- No. 37. S. Wewerka, "Postkarten"
- No. 38. P. Garnier, "16 GEDICHTE in einem QUADRAT", No. PV0602
- No. 39. P. Corner, "Pieces of realities..", No. FX1432
- No. 40. F. Mon, "Visuelle Texte"  No. PV0576
- No. 41. A. Köpcke, "Bearbejdelse", No. FX1435
- No. 42. Al Hansen, "Objekte, Collage, Aquarelle..", No. FX0947
- No. 43. J. Toche, "I piss on the arts"
- No. 44. Y. Ukita
- No. 45. J. Toche, "Waiter! There is a terrorist in my soup!"

- "G. Rühm. Bleistiftmusik", 1982 No. PV9971
   Printed paper, 21 x 15 cm
   contained in Ring binder, vol. II, No. FXC0830
- "Multiples", 1998
   Flyer, black offset on yellow paper, 29.7 x 21 cm
- D. Roth, "Stupidogramme", 1999, No. FX0840
  Card, 10 x 15 cm
  contained in ring binder vol. III, No. FXC0830
- "Concert Zaj", 2001
   Flyer, colours offset on white paper, 30 x 21 cm
-  K. Friedman, "Friedmanswek",
   Flyer, No. FX0938
-  J. Beuys, "Fluxus Zone West / Fluxus West",
   Postcard, No. 0109S
- A. Knowles, "Onion Skin Song (expert)
  from Three Songs". Postcard
- T. Saito and D. Roth, postcards
- Joe Jones, "Music Machine. Xylophone"
- Some announcement cards

- Series "? Records", 2000-2005:
  H. Chopin, "La peur and Co", 1958-1979, No. PVM0012
  H. Chopin, "Audiopoems", 1956-1980, No. PVM0014
  J. Jones, "Back and Forth, exhibition sound...", No. FXM0540
  J. Jones, "Solar music at Sierksdorf, Ostsee", No. FXM0730
  J. Jones, "Xylophone", No. FXM0539
  J. Jones, "Solar music", No. FXM0051
  A. Knowles and J. Selman, "Fluxus bird song", No. FXM0448
  H. Nitsch, "7. Sinfonie"
  B. Patterson, "B.Patterson Tells Fluxus Stories..", No. FXM0119
  G. Rühm, "Pencil music", No. PVM0351
  M. Shiomi, "A Musical dictionary of 80 people...", No. FXM0138
  M. Shiomi, "Fractal freaks", No. FXM0258
  E. Williams, "A Cellar song for five voices", No. FXM0290-3
  See also: Editions, series "Karton", No. FXM0026

    A. Hundertmark and L. Bonotto, 2000-2006

See also:





