
Cage, John Milton Jr. / Corner, Philip / and others

Announcement (243 work / s)


Code FXC0031   Announcement Collective

Tone Roads Chamber Ensemble presents A Concert of 20th Century American Music


Flyers for the conerts at the Auditorium of
The New School for Social Research, New York
Designed by Carolee Schneemann

1. Ives Varese Cage Ruggles Feldman
    December 20th, 1963
    Participants: J. Cage and others
    Screen printing on paper, 33 x 23 cm.
    Six copies with colour variations
2. Cage Brown Corner Goldstein Tenney Ruggles Ives
    April 24th, 1964
    Participants: J. Cage, P. Corner and others
    Screen printing on paper, 35 x 24 cm.
    Two copies with different dimensions
3. Ives Rudhyar Ruggles Cage Cowell
    June 4th, 1965
    Participants: J. Cage and others
    Screen printing on paper, 34 x 24 cm.
     Two copies
4. Goldstein Reck Corner Flynn Ives Miranda Tenney Schneemann Cage<
     December 15th, 1967
     Participants: J. Cage, P. Corner and others
     Mimeographed paper, 36 x 22 cm.
    Two copies with different dimensions

Bilbl.: "Correspondence Course. An Epistolary History of Carolee Schneemann
and her circle", Duke University Press, London, pag. 192




