
Beuys, Joseph

Book (29 work / s)

Code FX0786   Document

Difesa della natura. The Living Sculpture


"Joseph Beuys. Difesa della Natura. The Living Sculpture.
Kassel 1977 Venice 2007. A tribute to Harald Szeemann"
Joseph Beuys collateral events in the 52nd Venice Biennale,
Spazio Tethis, Arsenale

1. Three posters
    Edited by Tethis, coloured offset on white paper
    a. 98 x 68 cm.
    b. 41 x 81 cm.
    c. 41.5 x 44.5 cm.

2. Catalogue
    Published by Silvana Editoriale, Milano
    Edited by Lucrezia De Domizio Durini
    Containing texts by Lucrezia De Domizio Durini,
    Antonio D'Avossa, Enrico Pedrini
    and a conversation with L. Bonotto
    Including posters' images from Collezione Luigi Bonotto
    Italian / English version
    pp. 288, 26 x 19 cm.

3. Folder
    - Events' photographic documentation
      DVD and press release
    -  Review "Risk. Arte Oggi", No. 27, May 2008
       Monographic number dedicated to "Evento Beuys,
      100 giorni di conferenza permanente, 52° Biennale di Venezia"
      and other initiatives by Lucrezia De Domizio Durini
      pp. 140, 30 x 24 cm.
    -  DVD containing posters' images from Collezione Luigi Bonotto
      Produced by Dgpixel Multimedia Communication

4. Bottle of wine
    29 cm. x 7 Ø

See also "Expositions of Joseph Beuys' posters", No. FX1770

1a. Poster

1b. Poster

1c. Poster

2. catalogue

3. photos

3. review

3. Video

4. bottle of
