Poetry Vicenza 2025. Forms of Border Poetry
From 12 to 23 March 2025
Tomomi Adachi
On the occasion of the exhibition La Voix Libérée - Poésie sonore (March 21 - May 12, 2019), the Palais de Tokyo and Fondazione Bonotto organize a day of performances on April 27, 2019 from 2.30 pm to 8 pm.
Six international artists will be present for the occasion, and will offer original performances in which speech and orality will be to the center of the attention.
Tomomi Adachi (Japon): Accurate translations from gibberishes into babbles
Adachi will present a mixed program from Japanese dada sound poem in 1920s to his own sound poems which includes gestural poem, sign language translation of Ursonate, paranormal speech, inaudible sound poem and his well-known infrared sensor shirt using his own voice, self-made electronics and participations of audiences.
Violaine Lochu (France): Babel Babel
Starting at three months, the child stutters; in a purely physical and perceptive game, he explores the possibilities of his phonatory apparatus without the sounds he pronounces necessarily addressed to someone or bearers of a particular meaning. Babel Babel is a performance consisting of recordings of children's lallations made in different kindergartens of Seine-Saint-Denis and Moselle since 2016. Starting from this sound material that modifies, repeats, distorts, Violaine Lochu reveals the richness and the different sound layers of the babble , announcer of language, evocative of imaginary or distant idioms even of non-human expressions, bringing a pure pleasure of the saying that brings him closer to the poem.
Zuzana Husárová (Slovakia): Energy
This performance explores various forms of energy exchange: in environment, between people, situations, stages of experience, sonic elements and poetic structures. Formally it works with extensive positions of vocal techniques, combines live created sounds with a physical manipulation of pre-recorded syllables, words, phrases and mixes poetry with tonality on the background of a phonosphere of several voices.
Giovanni Fontana (Italy): Poème épigénétique
A performer poet and veritable ‘poly-artist’, Fontana extends and transforms the limits of poetry. His is a poetry shot through with new tensions, and characterized by the contamination of systems, the fusion of universes so far distinct, and the use of new medias and new mediums. It combines the vast energies offered by science with those of the body and the memory, thanks to a unique conception of the materiality of language that is supported by the voice.
Katalin Ladik (Hungary): Golden Apocalypse
"On the first such "objets trouvés”, the components of the circuits were soldered to circuit boards by hand and were quite rare in the solder, I called the series of these photos "Genesis”. Then the soldering became more crowded, and when they were so dense on the printed circuit boards that no more lines and dots could be photographed and pressed on them, I called the last piece I found the "Golden Apocalypse”(...). I wanted it golden, because I wouldn’t be comfortable to associate the apocalyptic end of the world of circuits with pessimism." Katalin Ladik
Joerg PIringer (Austria): abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
“abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” is an abstract audiovisual poetry performance. Image and sound are created immediately during the performance by speaking and vocalizing into a microphone and modifying the voice through signal processors and samplers while the software is analyzing the sound to create animated abstract visual text-compositions.
The performances are broadcast live on * DUUU Radio and on Radio Metadfeftero (Greece), MEC FM (Brazil), RUC Radio-University of Coimbra (Portugal), RAM Radio Arte Mobile (Italy), Radio Halas (Israel), KunstRadio - Radio Österreich1 (Austria), Power FM (Zambia) and as well as the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, Italy.
In echo to the day of performances at Palais de Tokyo:
Maison de la Poésie organizes on April 26 at 7 pm meetings, readings and performances concerning the magazine Nioques. Free admission
* DUUU Radio also organizes on April 26 from 8 pm to 11 pm in their studio in the heart of Park de La Vilette a live and public radio broadcast with Tomomi Adachi, Martin Bakero, Ann-James Chaton, Giovanni Fontana, Jerome Game, Zuzana Husárová, Katalin Ladik, Anne Le Troter, Franck Leibovici, Violaine Lochu and Joerg Piringer.
Free admission
Silencio finally invites on April 27 from 9:30 pm the same artists for a whole night dedicated to sound poetry. Performances, installation, discussions but also DJ set dedicated to this rare form of expression that upsets the forms and practices of language. With the participation of the poets: Tomomi Adachi, Martin Bakero, Anne-James Chaton, Giovanni Fontana, Jerome Game, Zuzana Husarova, Katalin Ladik, Franck Leibovici, Anne Le Troter, Violaine Lochu and Joerg Piringer; curators of the exhibition: Eric Mangion and Patrizio Peterlini. The evening will be hosted by Anna Serra
Reservation: rsvp@silencio-club.com
Palais de Tokyo 13 Avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris (www.palaisdetokyo.com/…/la-voix-liberee-journee-de-…)
La Maison de la Poésie, 157 rue Siant-Martin, 75003 Paris (www.maisondelapoesieparis.com/)
*DUUU Radio, Parc de la Villette, Folie Observatoire (N4), 75019 Paris (www.duuuradio.fr/)
Le Silencio, 142 rue Montmatre, 75002 Paris (www.silencio-club.com/en)
From 12 to 23 March 2025
February 13 - March 23, 2025 - ADI MUseum, Milan
Article by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo on Il Sole 24 Ore
Published by Abscondita. In collaboration with Fondazione Bonotto
October 25, 2024 - Spazio Candiani, Mestre - Poetry Vicenza 2024
October 19, 2024 - March 23, 2025 | MAO Museo Arte Orientale Torino