
Spoerri, Daniel

Periodical (0 work / s)


Code FX0994   Artist's book

Topographie anécdotée du Hasard


1. "Topographie anécdotée* du Hasard", 1962
    Published by Verlag Editions Galerie Lawrence, Paris
    pp. 53, 18.5 x 13.5 cm
    Also archived a loose cardboard folded
    reproducing the Topographie, 15 x 32 cm

2. "An Anecdoted Topography of Chance", 1966
    (Re-Anecdotes Version)
    Published by Something Else Press, New York
    Translation from French by Emmett Williams
    Comments by Robert Filliou
    Illustrations by Topor
    pp. 214, 21.5 x 14.5 cm
    Signed with dedication to Luigi
    Included in "Book Chronology", No. FXC0749

3. "Anekdoten zu einen topographie des Zufalls", 1968
    Published by Hermann Luchterhand Verlag GmbH,
    Neuwied and Berlin
    With all kinds anecdotes from Emmett Williams,
    translated and accumulated by Dieter Rot
    pp. 164, 22 x 17 cm

4. "An Anecdoted Topography of Chance", 2016
    Published by Atlas Press, London
    Translation from French by Emmett Williams
    Enrich by Robert Filliou and Dieter Roth
    Illustrations by Topor
    pp. 271, 23.5 x 18 cm

Bibl.: "Daniel Spoerri from A to Z", exhibition catalogue at Fondazione Mudima, Milan 1991,pp. 165-166 ; "Guardare, raccontare, pensare, conservare...", exhibition catalogue from Casa del Mantegna, Mantova, 2004, p. 290; Bibl.: "Dieter Roth. Pages", Published by FLAT, Edited by Elena Volpato, 2018, n.3, p. 129.

1. 1962

1. open

loose cardboard

2. 1966

2. open

3. 1968

4. 2016
