
Miller, Larry

Book (0 work / s)


Code 0459   Unique

Three generations of Bonotto family "Illuminations"


Kinetic display using three Genetic Code Copyright certifications
compiled with the personal data of the first-born
of three generations of the Bonotto's family.

1. Work
   Designed and produced by Alberto Scodro.
   Wooden box, 26 x 37 x 36.5 cm.
   with tre laser printed texts, embossed metal foil and ribbon,
   21.5 x 28 cm. each:
    a. Grandfather Luigi, born 1941
        Signed and dated 1996 by Luigi and L. Miller
    b. Son Giovanni, born 1967
        Signed and dated 2010 by Giovanni and L. Miller
    c. Grandson Luigi, born 2004
        Signed and dated 2010 by Luigi and L. Miller

2. Photographic documentation
   Three colored photos printed on paper,
   21 x 29.5 cm. each.
   Signed and dated 2014 by L. Miller

3. Video documentation
   Length: 00'36"

See also:
"Creative Time/DNAid", No. FX1075

1. work


a. Luigi

b. Giovanni

c. Luigi

