Lora Totino, Arrigo
Book (206 work / s)
Code PVCM1239 Document Collective
Audio Archivio Lora Totino
Several audio recordings, on different format, part of
Arrigo Lora Totino's personal audio archives.
- "Repiquages divers", 1963
- "Divers sauf metapoesie"
- "Simonia", 2000
- "Altagor 1"
- "Altagor 2"
Giacomo Balla
- "Elica Luce"
Henri Martin Barzum
- "L'art orpheique", 1978
André Bretron
- "L'aventure surréaliste", 2003
Dimitry Bulatov
- "Re-meeting cut-ups"
length: 3'12''
Francesco Cangiullo
- "Addio"
Audio CD, Length: 4'05"
Fernand Divoire
- "Naissance du poème"
Tape, length: 34'53"
Duo Accident, 1978
(Marshall Reese / Kirby Malone)
Jean-Paul Curtay
- "Body Music 1", 1981
Daniele Poletti & Patrizio Politi
- "Sofo Glu Glu", 1998
Eduard Escoffet
- "Untiled", 2003
Audio program note
- Scrivete e moltiplicatevi (2000)
Length: 0125''
- Com camina (2000)
Length: 1'01''
- Blau (2001)
Length: 2'38''
- (et)parlo (2001)
Length: 0'54''
- I am repeating myself (2001)
Length: 1'37''
- Film (2001)
Length: 1'41''
- Declaracio (1998)
Length: 0'47''
- Sprich auch du / parla tu tambien (Paul celan) (2002)
Length: 2'07''
- Je parle (2003)
Length: 0'49''
Terry Fox
- "Ataraxia. Works with sound", 1998
Audio program note:
- Suono interno (1979)
Length: 2'50''
- Rallentando (1979)
Length: 2'50''
- Lunar Rambles (1977)
Length: 9'24''
- Culvert (1977)
Length: 9'24''
- Berlin Attic Wire, Beating (1981)
Length: 24'44''
- Berlin Attic Wire, Bowing (1981)
Length: 15'07''
Milli Graffi
- "La partita di pallone"
Ilmar Laaban
- "Ankarkättingens slut är sångens början", 1998
Audio program note:
- Att leva fritt eller do (1944)
Length: 4'02''
- Logtjutarens karleksdiskurs (1950)
Length: 3'15''
- "Hur jag kom fram till ljuddikten (1988)
Length: 4'25'
- Stentorsston (1967)
Length: 4'52''
- Ciel Inamputable (1969)
Length: 4'00''
- I revolutionens sno (1969)
Length: 3'46''
- Dès que les dés (1976)
Length: 2'36''
- Chien d'absolu (1982)
Length: 4'12''
- Vesi ise (1993)
Length: 3'38''
- Vattnet navet (1987)
Length: 6'38''
- Eaux (1975/92)
Length: 4'37''
- Job och objektet (1982)
Length: 4'30''
- Cyklopinnan gick ut klockan fem (1986)
Length: 5'00''
- Partenza (1991)
Length: 5'20''
- Monotaurus och stararna (1993)
Length: 6'06''
Steve McCaffery
- "Improvisations on voice lute and piano", 1977
Pietro Porta
- "ALT-Poema"
- "Prove sonore", 1981/82
Audio program note:
- Lo squarcio è il cielo
- Fatiscenza
- Pornocloro
- Lemenetarp
- Tenia per metodo orto-ritmico per la eliminazione
delle balbuzie
- Lingua d'amore
- Verso del burbero
- Verso di signora
- Coro in Urlo (esercizio)
- Ecolalie
- Mediterranea
- Macché senso a...
- Titoli e ventaglio
- Il giorno che scomparve il nonno
- Escamotage
- "Poesia Sonora", 1983
Audio program note:
- Demodermica
- Il pelo dell'acqua
- Stesure per poema sonoro: Zunge (1 version)
- Dormiveglia
- La cattura del nano (suggerimenti al latitante)
- Il pelo della lana
- da "Lamento prebabelico"
- Illuminazioni 1
- Illuminazioni 2
- Illuminazioni 3
- da "Lamento prebabelico"
- Album
- Oltraggio a Lautréamont
- Stesure per poema sonoro: Zunge (2 version)
- "Poesia Sonora", 1984
Audio program note:
- Dromofonie 1
Length: 9'36''
- Dromofonie 2
Length: 4'46''
- Shifters
Length: 3'46''
- Eco & Narciso
Length: 6'08''
- Dattilopoema
Length: 8'12''
- "3 pezzi per Baobab", 1989
Audio program note:
- Quattro voci disperate
Length: 2'53''
- Dove come quando perché
Length: 5'43''
- Sisifo
Length: 2'57''
Américo Rodriguez
- O despertar do funambulo
Audio program note:
- Ainda
Length: 4'39''
- Estilhaços
Length: 0'48''
- Voz sal
Length: 3'18''
- Da va gar ar
Length: 6'18''
- O incerto insecto tu
Length: 11'01''
- O fio das vozes
Length: 5'11''
- A espera de que nao sei
Length: 9'14''
- Un barco de pedra
Length: 6'11''
- Longe do gato que acto seguinte
Length: 5'00''
- Nao
Length: 3'10''
- O fim ultimo
Length: 4'52''
- Affliçao
Length: 4'38''
Ernest Robson
- "Names in the Cosmic Ocean", 1979
Guido Savio
- "Poesia rumore"
Audio program note:
- Erot-ismo
- Voyage
- Slot Machine
- Paranoia
- Achab (Landing)
- Ping Pong
- Il calcolo
- Acqua
- Ecco che va!
- Assemblea
- Fuoco
- Masoch vive
- Il cavallo Ribot
- Tempo
- Mi sento rinato
- El leon me gà magnà
- The man eater du
- Gadda leopard
with a booklet, 16.5 x 13 cm.
Seuphor, 1979
Critical text and audio program note by H. Chopin
Seraglio, 1984
Valeri Scherstjanoi
- Lautland, 1998
Audio program note:
- LautLand
Length: 20:24
- Gesang Via Ars Scribendi
Length: 0:56
- Artikulationen Via Ars Scribendi
Length: 4:08
- Matrjoschka
Length: 15:23
- Sprechoper Solitude
Length: 10:59
- Kontrapunkt
Length: 5:42
- Requiem (In Memoriam István Angyal)
Length: 10:47
Christian Scholz
- "Poesia Sonora Italianische Lautepoesie der Gegen", 1989
Kurt Schwitters
- "UrSonate", 1979
Performed by Giuliano Zosi
Szkarosi & Konnektor & Bernath(y)
- Vol. 2, 2004
"Trio Exvoco", Berlin 1974
Audio program notes:
- Raoul Hausmann, "Manifest von der Gesetzmäßigkeit des Lautes"
- Raoul Hausmann, "Alptraum"
- Raoul Hausmann, "Fmsbw"
- Raoul Hausmann, "K Perioum"
- Raoul Hausmann, "Offeah"
- Kurt Schwitters, "Ich sing mein lied"
- Kurt Schwitters, "Simultangedicht Kaa Gee Dee"
- Kurt Schwitters, "Ww / Boo / Naa / Bii Büll Ree /
Obervogelsang / Niesscherzo E Hunstenscherzo"
- Paul De Vree, "Veronika"
- Paul De Vree, "Kleine Caroli"
- Paul De Vree, "Vertigo gli"
- Ludwig Harig, "Das is was immensee"
Length: 16'47"
Lello Voce
- "I segni i suoni le cose", 1995
Audio program note:
- Romance (i due passanti)
- Il paesaggio, dietro
- Fastblood, 2002
Audio program note:
- Lai del ragionare lento
Length: 9'58''
- Lai del ragionare intenso
Length: 8'26''
- Lai del ragionare caotico
Length: 10'56''
- Lai del ragionare esperto
Length: 11'16''
Larry Wendt
- "New and Slightly Used
Text-Sound Compositions", 1977
Larry Wendt
- "World-class Technology", 1982/83
Audio program note:
- San Jose Holliday
Length: 9'36
- Broken Cristals
Length: 11'41''
- A word processing
Length: 6'39''
- Painted Rocks
Length: 11'49''
- Readaromics
Length: 4'34''
- Zolmah the Zygum
Length: 9'05''
Larry Wendt
- "Variety Theater: An Anthology of Soundpoetry
Audiozine No. 4", 1997
Gregory Whitehead
- "Disorder speach. Cast out texts", 1985
Audio program note:
- Only a Flesh Wound
- Dead Letters Live On Air !
- Ostentatio Vulnerum. A dead language lesson
- If a voice like, then what?
- Eva, can I stab bats in a cave? A palindrome drone
- Blunt Trauma
- Escalated ZIGGURAT inhalation
Enore Zaffiri
- "Policromie per voce e sintetizzatore
su testi di Antonio Calderara", 1974
10" vinyl record
Audio program notes:
- Side A, length: 5'27"
- Side B, length: 5'16"
Included in "I quaderni dello studio V", Vigevano
Rauol Haussmann
- "Poems Phonetiques"
Audio program note:
- "R.L.Q.S. Varie En 3 Cascades"
Length: 23'29''
- "Phonemes"
Length: 15'58''
- "Interview Avec Les Lettristes"
Length: 07'06''
- "Soundreel"
Length: 04'18''
Giovanna Turrini
- "Domande di un operaio al governo"
Length: 10'11''
Arrigo Lora-Totino
Baobab n. 6 (copy), 1981
Audio tape
Robert Lax
- from "Sea & Sky"
Audio tape
Side 1, length: 24'04''
Side 2, length: 05'49''
recorded in Greece on March 1990 by Hartmut Geerken
Michèle Métail
Compléments de noms, undated
Audio tape
One Side, length: 18'38''
- Untitled Tape 1
Audio program notes:
- John Giorno, "Grasping at Emptiness" No. PVM1247
Length: 9'15"
Recorded at Z.B.S. Media, New York
June 9, 1978
- Beth Anderson, "I wish I was a single man"
Length: 1'09"
- Beth Anderson, "If I were a poet"
Length: 1'15"
- Beth Anderson, "Poem for two Johns and a Martha"
Length: 1'41"
- Charles Amirkhanian, "The Putts"
Length: 5'18"
- Untitled Tape 2
Audio program notes:
- Larry Wendt, "What is a Man?"
Length: 8'30"
Recorded at Frog Hollow, San Jose, 1980
- Ellen Zweig, "Green silk"
Length: 6'45"
Recorded at Frog Hollow, San Jose, 1980
- Dominic Allelluia, "WRING"
Length: 2'55"
Recorded at Frog Hollow, San Jose, 1978
- Untitled Tape 3
Audio program notes:
- Ernst Robson, "17 Noises in Testicles of an Old Giant"
Recorded at Frog Hollow, San Jose, 1980
- Jerome Rothenberg, "Horse Song I"
- Marina La Palma, "Insect Grammer"
- Jackson Mac Low, "Free Gatha 1"
Recorded in New York, 1980
- Untitled Tape 4
Audio program notes:
- Bliem Kern, "ke kee kee alahboo"
Length: 2'04"
- Paul Vangelisti, "Primer"
Length: 1'39"
- Steve Ruppenthal, "Messages and Papers of President Vol."
Length: 7'20"
- Anthony J. Gnazzo, "Fusion"
Length: 7'13"
Recorded in January 1979
- Musiche di scena per "FuturBalla & company
Il teatro della parola"
- Musiche di scena per "Triluci"
- Musica Futurista
- Giuliano Zosi, 14 March 1989
"Frammento da Phonos 2", length: 5'30"
"Frammento da Phonos 3", length: 12'00"
- Giuliano Zosi, "Lieder"
- Valsher, "su Krucënych"
- Milli Graffi, "La partita di pallone"
- Nuovi segnali. Ultimi suoni di poesia italiana
a cura di Vitaldo Cotone
Audio program notes:
Side A
- Arrigo Lora Totino
- Giulia Niccolai
- Sarenco
- Enzo Minarelli
- Giovanni Fontana
Side B
- Vitaldo Conte
- Tomaso Binga
- Carlo Marcello Conti
- Guido Savio
- Flavio Ermini
- Luciana Arbizzani
Recorded in Italy, 1983
- Untitled tape
Audio program notes:
Side A
- H. Martin-Barzun "Terra di pionieri" from Orphéide
- S. Voirol from "Le Sacre de Printemps"
- R. Aldington "Les cloches de Rome"
- F. Divoire "Naissance du Poème" Paris 1931
- Il mondo è stato riconsiderato. Poesie italiane
del Secondo Novecento, lineare, visiva, sonora, plurilingue...
Audio program notes:
- Vittore Baroni, "Janus Head"
Length: 2'47"
- Vitaldo Conte, "Paronoic red"
Length: 2'34"
- Rita Degli Esposti e John Gian "Tutto nuovo come già visto"
Length: 7'39"
- Giovanni Fontana, "Maschera mitopoietica no.2"
Length: 2'26"
- Giovanni Fontana, "Notte Omaggio a Dino Campana"
Length: 5'50"
- Nicola Frangione, "Giallo notturno"
Length: 1'54"
- Loredana Lanciano, "Impossibile spiegare"
Length: 2'47"
- Arrigo Lora-Totino, "Intonazione cromatica"
Length: 2'21"
- Arrigo Lora-Totino, "Musica liquida"
Length: 2'04"
- Arrigo Lora-Totino, "Toccata vocale"
Length: 3'36"
- Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, "Definizione di futurismo"
Length: 3'07"
- Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, "Il bombardamento di Adrianopoli"
Length: 3'13"
- Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, "Sintesi musicali futuriste"
Length: 6'58"
Jurczok 1001 & Arkstar
- "Bush Doktor", 2003
Audio program note:
- "Chriegserchlärig"
Length: 4'31''
- "O3od"
Length: 2'47''
- "Vater Unser"
Length: 1'34''
- "Human Beat"
Length: 2'37''
- "Streubombe"
Length: 1'25''
- "Manari Mou"
Length: 4'35''
Untitled tape
Audio program note:
One Side
- G. Niccolai, "La vita è"
Length: 3'57''
Raoul Hausmann, "Poèmes Phonétiques Complètes"
Audio tape
Audio program note:
Side A
- "BBBB"
- "K'Perioum"
- "Offeah"
- "Oiseautal"
- "Couchemar"
- "Vali Tali"
- "Soundreel"
- "Interview Avec Les Lettristes"
Side B
- "R.L.Q.S. Varie En 3 Cascades"
Radio Nacional De Espana, undated
Audio Tape
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