Hendricks, Geoffrey / Maciunas, George / Buczack, Brian
Audio (126 work / s)
Code FXCM0458 Video Collective / Artist's book Collective / Performance Collective
Flux Wedding of George Maciunas and Billie Hutching
1. Artist's book
Published by Money for Food Press edition, New York, 1978
Edited by G. Hendricks and B. Buczak
White cardboard portfolio, 29.5 x 24 cm, containing:
a. "Flux Certificate of Marriage", 28 x 19,5 cm.
b. "Register of Witnesses", 28 x 20,5 cm.
c. 2 b/w photographs on one sheet, 20.5 x 25.7 cm.
d. Text of the ceremony, 4 sheets printed on one
side, 28 x 21,5 cm. each
2. Video documentation:
a. Wedding ceremony of G. Maciunas and B. Hutching
Length: 02'29''
b. "Black and white"
Length: 03'28''
Video cassette, VHS
Excerpts from "Some Fluxus", 1991, No. FXCM0389
c. Marriage of George and Billy Maciunas excerpt
Video by Dimitri Devyatmin
Length: 06'08''
Downloaded from Youtube
d. Extract from videotape No.6
Published by Arthouse, New York
Length: 01'24''
The celebration was at 537 Broadway in Manhattan, 28 February, 1978
Bibl.: "Fluxus etc." exhibition catalogue, Cranbrook Academy, Bloomfield Hill, 1981, p.292.
Copyright © Collective Fluxus, All rights reserved