
Andersen, Eric

Book (1 work / s)


Code FXM6854   Edition

Margrethe Fjorden '96


Cardboard box 19 x 15.5 x 2.5 cm.
Published by Recital, California
Edited by Sean McCann
- red satin fabric, 34.5 x 33.5 cm
- pamphlet, pp. 36, 16.5 x 14 cm.
- bluray Video
- audio CD
Numbered 97/100

Audio program notes:
1. Stringendo
  Length: 37'05''
2. Grave
  Length: 08'19''
3. Vivace
  Length: 03'28''
4. Adagietto
  Length: 03'20''
5. Rilento
  Length: 06'21''
6. A piacere
  Length: 04'23''
Excerpts 00'15''

1. Eric Andersen - Margrethe Fjorden (Part One), No. FXC1647-4b
  Length: 143'00''
2. Eric Andersen - Margrethe Fjorden (Part Two), No. FXC1647-4b
  Length: 34''00''
3. Eric Andersen - Margrethe Fjorden (Part Three), No. FXC1647-4b
  Length: 18''00''
4. Eric Andersen - 'Home and Studio', No. FXC1647-4a
  filmed by Luigi Bonotto
  Length: 60'00''
5. Willem de Ridder - The Money Dress (Danish TV)
  Length: 1'00'' (00'16'' excerpt)
6. Willem de Ridder - The Money Dress (Dutch TV)
  Length: 7'00'' (00'20'' excerpt)

Photographs by Luigi Bonotto.
Archival assistance by Luigi Bonotto Collection and Marja Griniuk

See also all Margrethe Fjorden '96 festival documentation No. FXC1647

Cardboard box



bluray Video - audio CD

Audio 1

Audio 2

Audio 3

Audio 4

Audio 5

Audio 6

Video 1-2-3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6
