
Patterson, Ben

Unique (24 work / s)

Code 1489   Unique

A Nose for Wine


Hand decorated cabinet with two compartments,
78.5 x 87 x 37.5 cm

Bottom shelf:
Tools and material used for making nose castings,
inserted in the briefcase
Every nose shape is documented with a photo
and personal data, collected in ring binder

Top shelf:
20 glass bottles shaped like the nose of artists and friends
(among them P. Corner, E. Andersen, M. Knížák,
M. Berger and L. Bonotto), 31 x 7 Ø cm
Edited by M. Lunardon

Exh.: 2010, Houston ; 2012, Wiesbaden.

Bibl.: "Benjamin Patterson. Born in the State of FLUXUS/us", Houston, 2012, p. 103; "Benjamin Patterson. Living Fluxus", Koenig Books Ltd, London, 2012, p. 106.
