
Ono, Yoko

Catalogue (29 work / s)

Code FX1385   Audio / Catalogue

Yes Box


Catalogue of the exhibition "Yes Yoko Ono"
Japan Society, New York
Published by Bakhall Printers & Publishers, Lund, 2004
Book with two CDs and card

1. Audio
First CD: Interview
- Interview, No. FXM0600-11
Length: 18'06"
Second CD: Songs
- "It's Time for Action"
Length: 04'05"
- "I'm Not getting Enough"
Length: 03'26"

2. Catalogue
Booklet: "Soul got out of the box"
Containing chosen samples from the exhibition
Unnumbered pages, 12 x 12 cm.

3. Card
Bakhall Printers & publishers, Lund 2004
10.5 x 14 cm.

See also Edition No. 1483E

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

2.two pages

