
Minarelli, Enzo

Catalogue (6 work / s)

Code PVM0216   Audio

The sound side of poetry


"Polipoemi sonori 1979-90"
Published by Zona Archive Firenze, 1991
12'' vinyl record

Audio program notes:

Side A
- "Bread & Water Poems" (1982-1990)
- "Rime in ò / ì" (1982-1990)
- "People" (1982-1990)
- "Poems in Words" (1993)
- "Figure Poem" (1985-1990)
- "Accenti" (1984-1990)
- "Dialogo d'amore tra un microfono e un elastico" (1986-1990)
    No. PVM0117
Total length: 23'30"

Side B
- "Voyeur" (1981-1988)  No. PVM0069
- "Kandinsky" (1979-1986-1990)
- "Con sonanti" (1984-1989)
- "La Strada" (1987-1988)
- "Regina" (1988-1989)  No. PVM0107
- "Monòstico" (1988-1989)  No. PVM0108
- "Ode all'Asta" (1984-1990)
Total length: 24'30"

Signed with dedication to Luigi

front cover

back cover

Side A

Side B
