
Lora Totino, Arrigo

Book (4 work / s)

Code 0952E 1/2   Audio / Artist's book

ALT, La Voix Dynamisée 1965-2000


1. Audio
    Published by Art&Lectures Diffusion, 2004
    In collaboration with Centre National du Livre
    Audio CD

   Audio program notes:
   - Intonazione cromatica n°7 (1974)
     length: 2'14''
   - Chiacchiere (1976)  No. PVM0493
     length: 5'00''
   - Trio Prosodico n°1 (1977) No. PVM0613
     length: 16'30''
   - To be or not to be (1977)
     length: 3'50''
   - Poesia tra parentesi (1978)
     length: 15'00''
   - Quarto tempo du Trio Prosodico n°2 (1978)
     length: 3'40''
   - Omaggio a Cambrone (1980)
     length: 2'25''
   - Marina (1984)
     length: 3'00''

2. Artist's book
    pp. 19, 29.5 x 21 cm.
    Numbered 6/30 and signed
