Higgins, Dick
Book (14 work / s)
Code FXC0749 Document
From Something Else Press: Book Chronology
Published by "The Something Else Press", New York
Founded and directed by D. Higgins
- D. Higgins,
"Jefferson's birthday / postface" No. FX0989
- R. Johnson,
"The paper Snake" No. FX0990
- Al Hansen,
"A primer of happenings & time/space art" No. FX0991
- A. Knowles, T. Schmit, B. Patterson, P. Corner,
"The four suits" No. FXC0992
- R. Filliou,
"Ample food for stupid thought" No. FX0993 1/2
- D. Spoerri,
"An Anecdoted Topography of Chance" No. FX0994
- W. Vostell,
"dé-coll/age happenings" No. FX0995
- R. Huelsenbeck,
"Dada Almnach"
- G. Stein,
"The making of Americans"
- E. Williams,
"Anthology of Concrete Poetry" No. FX0996
"Sweethearts" No. FX0997
- G. Brecht, R. Filliou,
"Games at the cedilla..." No. FXC0998
- W. Brisbane Dick,
"Dick's 100 Amusement"
- M. McLuhan,
"Verbi-Voco- Visual Explorations"
- M. Cunningham,
"Changes: notes on choreography" No. FX0181
- C. Oldenburg,
"Store days" No. FX0999
- D. Rot,
"246 Little clouds" No. FX1000 and No. FX0509
- E. Gomringer,
"The book ofhour and Constellations" No. PV0765
- G. Stein,
"Geography and Plays"
- R. Krauss,
"There's a little ambiguity over
there among the bluebells"
- J. Cage,
"Notations" No. FX1001
- D. Higgins,
"foew&ombwhnw" No. FX1002
- G. Stein:
"Lucy church Amiably"
- W. Gutman,
"The Gutman Letter"
- H. Cowell,
"New Musical Resources"
- W. Vostell, D. Higgins,
"Fantastic architecture" No. FXC1003
- D. Spoerri,
"The mythological travels..." No. FX1004
- R. Meltzer,
"The Aesthetics of Rock"
- I. H. Finlay and G.Huntly,
"A Sailor's Calendar" No. PVC0766
- E. Robson,
"Tomas Onetwo"
- B. Porter,
"I've Left"
- J. Mac Low,
"Stanzas for Iris Lezak" No. FX1007-2
- D. Higgins,
"A book about love & war & death" No. FX1009
- G. Stein,
"Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein"
- B. Porter,
"Found Poems"
- T. MacLennan,
"1 Walked out of 2 and Forgot It"
- P. Finch,
"Typewriters Poems"
- G. Hendricks,
"Ring piece" No. FX1008
- E. Williams,
"A Valentine for Noel" No. FX1010
- R. Kostelanetz,
"Break through Fictioneers" No. PV0767
- J. Giorno,
"Cancer in My left ball" No. PV0768
- Br. Gysin,
"Brion Gysin Let the Mice In" No. PV0769
- G. Stein:
"How to Write. Barton"
- L. Katz,
"The making of Americans"
- Ch. McIlvaine and R.K. MacAdam,
"One Thousand American Fungi"
- C. Scher,
"The Ten Week Garden"
- G. Stein,
"A Book Concluding With As A Wife Has A Cow"
- J. Herman,
"Something Else Yearbook"
- M. Eaton,
See also Document No. FXC0486
Exh.: 2000, Bassano del Grappa; 2009, Barcelona ; 2012, Chiasso; 2015, Venice
Bibl.: "Something Else Press. An annotated bibliography by P. Frank", catalogue, 1983 ; "Creative R'evolution-50 years of Fluxus from the Archivio Bonotto", exhibition catalogue, Barcelona, 2009 ; "Fluxus. A Creative Revolution", exhibition catalogue, Chiasso, 1962-2012, p. 129
Copyright © Higgins, Dick, All rights reserved