
Cage, John Milton Jr.

Periodical (4 work / s)

Code FXM0105 1/2   Audio / Book

John Cage


Published by Sonora. Itinerari Oltre Il Suono, S. Giovanni Valdarno, 1993

1. Audio  
    Audio CD

    Audio program notes:
a. M. Porzio, "Interview with J. Cage"
    Length: 06'24"
b. F. Della Monica & G. Cardini, "Solo for Voice 2 (1960)", No. FXM0636
    Length: 08'14"
c. G. Cardini & D. Lombardi, "Winter Music (1957)"
    Length: 11'46"                      
d. S. Sconadibbio, "Ryoanji (1983-85)"
    Length: 18'18"
e. R. Fabbriciani, "Variations 1 (1958)", No. FXM0548
    Length: 04'25"
f.  R. Fabbriciani & G. Cardini, "Two (1987)"
    Length: 10'06"
g. G. Cardini & D. Lombardi, "Music for Amplified Toy Pianos (1960)"
    No. FXM0361
    Length: 17'56"

2. Book
   - Interviews by Michele Porzio and Clare Ann Matz
   - Written contributions by Fabio Fratini, Andrea Nesti, Giampiero Bigazzi
   - Photo box by Roberto Masotti
   - Music Score
   - Complete work by John Cage
    pp. 109, 24 x 17 cm.
