
Beuys, Joseph

Periodical (4 work / s)

Code FXM0689   Video / Performance

Sonne statt Reagan


1. Audio Included in:
    - "Sonne statt Reagan", 1982  No. FXM0091
    - "Single News. Ausgabe 4'82", 1982  No. FXCM0697
    - "Fluxus Anthology. A Collection of Music
       and Sound Events", 1989-1995  No. FXCM0075
    Length: 03'00"
    Recorded in April 19, 1982. Music by Klaus Heuser
    Lyrics by Alain Thomé, Manfred Boecker

2. Video
    Length: 02'42"
    Web download

1. Audio

2. Video
