
Beuys, Joseph

Book (29 work / s)

Code FX1825   Announcement

Advertising cards


1. Beuys. Der Chef / The Chief, Dec. 1st, 1964
    Action at Galerie René Block, Berlin No. FXC3202
    - Card, 15 x 11 cm
    This is the first time that "FLUXUS" is mentioned
    in connection with Galerie René Block, and it is the Beuys' first action
    at the Galerie René Block

2. Beuys: Eurasia. Sibirische Symphonie 1963, Oct. 31, 1966
    Event at Galerie René Block, Berlin No. FXC3202
    - Card, 15 x 11 cm

3. Joseph Beuys "... mit Braunkreuz", 1966
    Edition 2 René Block Galerie, Berlin No. FXC3202
    - Card, 11 x 10.5 cm

4. Joseph Beuys - FOND III, Jan. - Feb. 1969
    Exhibition at Galerie Schmela, Düsseldorf
    - Folder
    B/w print on paper, 15 x 21 cm

4.bis Von Hodler zur Antiform, 1970
      - Announcement card, 10.9 x 18 cm
       Stamped and signed

5. Joseph Beuys: The cycle of his work, Nov. 13, 1971
    Conference at Modern Art Agency, Naples
    - Card. Photo showing the Sils-Baselgia, Switzerland
       B/w print on paper, 12 x 18.5 cm

5.bis Joseph Beuys: VIDEODOPPEL – 5,5 Stunden, 1971
        Galerie Schmela, Düsseldorf
        - Folded cardboard, 21 x 29.6 cm

6. Arena. Dove sarei arrivato
    se fossi stato intelligente!
, June 1972
    Exhibition at Modern Art Agency, Naples
    - Card
       B/w print on paper, 21 x 14 cm

7. Magazin KUNST No. 50: Joseph Beuys, 1973
    Published by Das aktuelle Kunstmagazin
    - Flyer
       Black offset on yellow glossy paper, 30 x 21 cm

7.bis Studio Marconi, 1973
        Exhibition at Studio Marconi, Milan
        - Card, 12 x 15 cm

8. Beuys, Knoebel, Palermo, Polke, Richter,
    Rinke, Rückriem, Ruthenbeck
, 1974
    Collective exhibition at Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf
    - Card
       B/w offset on paper, 21 x 15 cm

9. Zeichnungen 1946–1971, May - June 1974
    Exhibition at Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld
    - Card reproducing the drawing "Tierfrau und tier" (1956)
       Colored offset on paper, 1.5 x 22.5 cm
       See also: Joseph Beuys - Exhibition posters, No. FX1826 -22

9 bis. Exposition d'art d'aujourd'hui, May - July 1975
      Exhibition at Musée d'Ixelles, Bruxelles
      Printed card, 10 x 21,5 cm
       Signed by J. Beuys on the front

10. Seriaal Toont, June - July 1975
    Exhibition at Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, Amsterdam
    Edited by Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
    - Postcard reproducing "Prof. Joseph Beuys
       Institut for cosmetic surgery. Speciality: Buttocklifting" (1974)
       B/w offset on paper, 10 x 15 cm

10.bis Saltoarte, May 1975
      Collective exhibition at Saltoarte, Bruxelles
      - Flyer printed on both sides, 21 x 31 cm
      Stamped and signed by Panamarenko, K. Steack, J. Beuys

11. Joseph Beuys, May - June 1976
    Exhibition at Galerie Schmela, Düsseldorf
    - Card reproducing "Joseph Beuys. Eurasier"
       B/w offset on paper, 11 x 15.5 cm

12. Chi dice che "il coniglio non ama Joseph Beuys"?, 1977
    Book edited by Giuseppe Consoli
    Published by Lucrezia De Domizio, Pescara
    - Postcard
       Color offset on paper, 15 x 10.5 cm

12. bis Postakartenkilometer, 1977
       Published on the occasion of documenta 6, 1977
       - Postcards on. cardboard, 29.5 x 21 cm
      Signed by Klaus Staeck, Joseph Beuys and FIU stamp

13. Joseph Beuys. Multiplizierte Kunst, Jan. - Feb. 1978
      Exhibition at Hans Salve Hospes, Kunstverein Braunschweig
      - Card
         B/w offset on white card, 21 x 10.5 cm

14. Beuys. Tracce in Italia, June - July 1978
      Exhibition at Palazzo Ducale, Genoa
      a. Invitation card to the vernissage, June 10
      b. Invitation card to the discussion, June 2
           B/w offset on white paper with blue "F.I.U." rubber-stamp,
           10 x 21 cm, each signed
     See also: Joseph Beuys - Exhibition Posters, No. FX1826 -48

14.bis Wochenend – Ausstellung, 1978
          Collective exhibition at Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
          - Flyer printed on both sides, 29.5 x 21 cm
         Stamped and signed  

15. Art: Museum des Geldes, Nov. 1978 - Feb. 1979
      Collective exhibition at Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf
      - Card
         Black offset on gold card, 10.5 x 21 cm

16. Joseph Beuys. Zeichnungen, Objekte, March - April 1979
      Exhibition at Städtischen Museum, Göttingen
      - Card. Photo: L. Rinn
         B/w offset on white paper, 15 x 21 cm
     See also: Joseph Beuys - Exhibition Posters, No. FX1826 -53

17. Jetzt Kraufen, 1980
      Published by Free International University
      - Flyer
         Colors offset on white paper, 24 x 16 cm
         with stamp "Zum Europa-Parlament wählt Die Brunen
         die einzige Alternative für Europa"

17.bis Suite Schwurhand, 1980
         Exhibition at Grafos Verlag AG, Liechtenstein
         - Flyer, 29.7 x 21 cm

18. Joseph Beuys. Das Kapital 1970 - 1977, Feb. - March 1981
      Exhibition at Ink. Halle für Internationale Neue Kunst, Zürich
      - Flyer for the exhibition's opening, Feb. 15
         Black offset on white paper, 24.5 x 21 cm
      See also: Joseph Beuys - Exhibition Posters, No. FX1826 -72

19. Joseph Beuys, Sept. 1981
      Exhibition at Schellmann & Klüser, München
      - Invitation card.
         Colors offset on white paper, 15 x 21.5 cm

20. Joseph Beuys. Multiplar 1969 - 1981, Nov. - Dec. 1981
      Exhibition at Galleriet, Lund
      - Folder
         Black print on grey cardboard, 21 x 15 cm

20 bis. Städtisches Kunstmuseum Bonn, February/March 1982
      Exhibition program
      Folded printed paper, 21 x 10 cm
      Signed by J. Beuys on first page

21. Joseph Beuys. Difesa della Natura, Oct. 23, 1982
      Exhibition at Galleria La Virgola, Fabriano
      - Card
         B/w offset on paper, 21 x 15.5 cm

21 bis. Der Versuch, am Ende doch noch Spaß zu haben, August 1983
       Invitation card
       Folded printed cardboard, 10,5 x 21 cm
       Signed by J. Beuys on first page

22. Beuys - Nitsch - Rainer, Oct. - Nov. 1983
      Collective exhibition at Galerie Klewan, München
      - Folder
         Colors offset on white paper, 21 x 30 cm

23. Zirkulationszeit, Nov. - Dec. 1983
      Exhibition at Galerie Stahlberger, Weil am Rhein
      - Folder
         Colors offset on white paper, 21 x 15 cm

24. Incontro con Beuys, 1984
      Book edited by Lucrezia de Domizio,
      Bubi Durini, Italo Tomassoni
      Published by D.I.A.C Editrice, Pescara
      - Card. Photo: Bubi Durini
         Colors offset on white cardboard, 20.5 x 15 cm

25. Joseph Beuys. An Exhibition Based on
      The Ulbricht Collection
, June - July 1984
      Exhibition at The Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo
      - Flyer
         Designed by I. Tanaka
         Colors offset printed both sides, 26 x 18.5 cm
      See also: Joseph Beuys - Exhibition Posters, No. FX1826 -99

26. Joseph Beuys. Iphigenie, Dec. 12, 1984
      Performance at Alberto Gorgi arte contemporanea, Milan
      - Invitation card
         B/w offset on white paper, 11 x 22 cm

26 bis. Städtisches Kunstmuseum Bonn, November 1984/January 1985
      Exhibition program
      Folded printed paper, 21 x 10 cm
      Signed by J. Beuys on first page

27. Joseph Beuys. Objekte und Zeichnungen, Sept. - Nov. 1985
      Exhibition at Galerie Bern Klüser, München
      - Folder
         Color print on paper, 21 x 15 cm
         with rubber-stamp

27.bis Ombelico di Venere, 1985
        Published by Lucrezia De Domizio Durini
        on the occasion of the F.I.A.C at the Grand Palais, Paris
        FIU stamp and signed

28. Räume heutiger Zeichnung.
      Werke aus dem Basler Kupferstichkabinett
, Oct. - Dec. 1985
      Exhibition at Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden
      - Folder
         Color print, 11 x 20 cm.

- - - - - - - - - - Post Mortem - - - - - - - - - -

29. Il cappello di feltro.
     Joseph Beuys- Una vita raccontata
, 1991  No. FX0193
     - Postcard for the book's launch
        Photo: Buby Durini
        Color offset on paper, 15 x 10.5 cm

30. Difesa della Natura - Joseph Beuys, Nov. 1993
     Conference at Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milan
     Organized by WWF Sezione di Milano
     With the participation of:
     L. De Domizio Durini, A. D'Avossa, M. De Caro
     - Postcard. Photo: Buby Durini
        Color offset on paper, 10.5 x 15.5 cm

30 bis. Joseph Beuys - 1921-1986, May 1933
      Event at Nationale Postwerzeichenausstellung, Dortmund
    - Postcard
      Color offset, 10 x 15.5 cm

31. Joseph Beuys. Signs of Communication, July 1997
     Exhibition at Zvonimir Gallery, Zagreb
     Curated by Lucrezia De Domizio Durini
     - Postcard
        Photo by Buby Durini, showing J. Beuys in Düsseldorf, 1983
        B/w offset on paper, 16 x 12 cm

32. Difesa della Natura- Joseph Beuys, March 1998
     Conference at Palazzo del Senato, Siracusa
     Organized and curated by P. Campanelli, L. Gippetto
     With the participation of L. De Domizio Durini
     - Postcard. Photo: Archivio De Domizio Durini
        B/w offset on paper, 10 x 15 cm

33. Difesa della Natura - Joseph Beuys, May - Sept. 2001
     Exhibition at Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea,
     Repubblica di San Marino
     Curated by Antonio D'Avossa
     - Postcard. Photo: Buby Durini
        Color offset on paper, 15.5 x 11 cm

34. Joseph Beuys.
      Disegni, oggetti, stampe 1945-1985
, March - April 2004
      Exhibition at Museo D'arte Contemporanea
      di Villa Croce, Genova
      - Card
         Color offset, 21 x 10 cm

35. Difesa della Natura - Joseph Beuys.
     The Living Sculpture. Kassel 1977-Venezia 2007
     Omaggio a Harald Szeemann
, June-Sept. 2007
     Event at Spazio Tethis, Arsenale, Venice, No. FX0786
     Organized and curated by Lucrezia De Domizio Durini
     - Invitation postcard
        Color offset on paper, 10.5 x 15.5 cm

36. Joseph Beuys. Ogni uomo è un artista, May - June 2012
      Exhibition at M.A.X. Museum, Chiasso, No. FX1790
      - Invitation card
         Colored offset, 21 x 28 cm

37. Collectie Firts Bless. Joseph Beuys, September 2014
      Exhibition at CuktClub, Amsterdam
    - Card
      b/w offset, 15 x 21 cm
      contained in ring binder, vol. IV, No. FXC0830    

38. Beuys, February 2017
      Film presentation at Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
    - Folded program
      Color offset, 15.5 x 10 cm

38bis. Joseph Beuys. Boxkamps für die direkte Demokratie, July 2017
      Exhibition at Waddington Custot, London
    - Leporello with b/w photos
      Color offset, 18 x 12.5 cm    

39. A hundred years of Joseph Beuys - 1921-2021, May 2021
      Exhibition at Lust and the Apple, Midlothian
    - Card
      Color offset, 15.5 x 10 cm

Exh.: 2019, London (#1)




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