Arias-Misson, Alain
Edition (9 work / s)
Code PV1163 Document
List of The Public Poems
Series of public poems realized in
different european and american cities
- The Vietnam Public Poem
Brussels, Belgium, 1967
No. PV0286
- The G D Public Poem
Brussels, Belgium, 1968
No. PV0318
- The A Madrid Public Poem
Madrid, Spain, 1969
No. PV0340
- The Knokke Baptismal Public Poem
Knokke, Belgium, 1970
No. PV0344
- The Palabras Fragiles Public Poem
Madrid, Spain, 1971
No. PV0366
- The Punctuation Public Poem
Pamplona, Spain, 1972
No. PV0369
- The Chomsky Generative Grammar Public Poem
Brussels, Belgium, 1972
No. PV0402
- The Cat&Mouse Duo Public Poem
New York, USA, 1974
No. PV0403
- The Beethoven Bicentennial Public Poem
Bonn, Germany, 1975
No. PV0407
- The Proust Public Poem
Paris, France, 1988
No. PV0409
- The Teutonic Public Poem
Berlin, Germany, 1991
No. PV0417
- The Hollywood Monsters Public Poem
Los Angeles, USA, 1991
No. PV0418
- The Public Shamanic Chapel Sistine Public Poem
Vatican, 1998
No. PV0419
- "The Surveillance Public Poem"
Paris, France, 2003
No. PV0424
- "The Gan(t)d Public Panties Poem Public Poem"
Gent, Belgium, 2007
No. PV0427
- La Derniere S(c)ene Public Poem
Nice, France, 2008
No. PV0431
- The Public Linguistic Poem of Antwerp
Antwerp, Belgium, 2013
No. PV7633
- The Last Supper Public Poem
Marseilles, France, 2009
No. PV0562
- The Public Linguistic Poem II
Antwerpen, Belgium, 2014
No. PV2282
- The Public Sinking of Venice Poem
Venice, Italy, 2015
No. PV2281
Bibl.: A. Arias-Misson, "From the Cutting-floor of the
Public Poem", MER Paper Kunsthalle, Gent, 2013;
A. Arias-Misson, "The Visitor", Edizioni Mediterranee,
Naples, 2009, p. 9, 48-49.
Copyright © Arias-Misson, Alain, All rights reserved